Make Your Home Interiors More Personal With These Inspiring Ideas
Our homes and how we use them have massively evolved as we embrace multifunctional spaces and a sense of retreat. With the evolution of the home into a sanctuary away from the outside world, interior design trends in 2022 will centre around aesthetic preferences and a quest towards positivity. Walkthrough a medley of inspiring ideas whose implementation can turn around your interiors into a ritzy and resplendent oasis. Create Art on Your Walls with a Theme Walls that make heads turn by following a theme, be it an inspiration from Egyptian designs, European or Oriental. Soak in the revival of cultures that render an undeniable visual appeal, striking the perfect balance of old-world glamour and modern flair. Positive & Bespoke Vibe at Your Abode In the current era of speedily spinning lifestyles, Gen X switching homes closer to the workspaces, working from home, smaller abodes, convenience, and style will rule the design element. A humbling reality check of the current times, ...